having a penis that weighs more than a duck is actually a hassle
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by maryyugo
Tuesday, 26 August 2014

ISIL genocide of the Sheitaat

quote [ As Islamic State militants advanced in the Syrian province of Deir al-Zor last month, those who had held out against them faced a simple choice: beg for mercy or face certain death... Hundreds of members of the Sheitaat clan have been executed after their tribe refused to submit to Islamic State... Islamic State has declared that no truce is possible with the Sheitaat, that its prisoners can be killed, and its women are unfit for marriage, according to the Observatory. ]

In other news, these scumbags capture a whole air base.

Thumb is not from current slaughter, it's old.


[SFW] [+3 Informative]
[by maryyugo@5:06pmGMT] [12 comments]

Monday, 25 August 2014

?It?s okay to spy on women who are showering,? says salafist preacher

quote [ An Egyptian preacher made headlines on social media after he issued a controversial fatwa (religious proclamation) giving a man the right to peep on his future wife while she is showering before he marries her.

Usama al-Qawsi, a salafist preacher, confidently stated in a video that it is acceptable for a man to ?hide? while watching his wife-to-be shower as long as his intentions are ?pure.? ]

"Bring back the good old days when sex was dirty and the air was clean"? Note: safe for work post... so far.
[SFW] [humor] [+2]
[by maryyugo@4:55pmGMT] [18 comments]

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Iran Supreme Leader: The Only Solution For Crisis Is Israel?s Destruction

quote [ Iran?s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated on Wednesday that the only solution for the region is the destruction of Israel, and that the armed confrontation must expand beyond Gaza. ]

Oh yeah, we want these guys to have nukes.
[SFW] [+1 Overrated]
[by maryyugo@4:18pmGMT] [76 comments]

Filtered: [-2: by maryyugo]

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Los Angeles Unified School District plans 1.3 Billion purchase of iPads!

quote [ A former L.A. schools superintendent has stepped forward to criticize a $1 billion effort to provide every student, teacher and campus administrator with a tablet or laptop computer. William J. Johnston, 87, did not object to the goal, but focused instead on using school-construction bonds to fund the project, which, so far, has involved purchasing iPads. ]

Some of the schools have broken toilets. Alternative link in extended in case of pay wall.

[SFW] [+4 Interesting]
[by maryyugo@3:23pmGMT] [51 comments]

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

President Obama appears on Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis,

quote [ Episode 18: President Barack Obama sits down with Zach Galifianakis for his most memorable interview yet. ]

[SFW] [humor] [+10 Funny]
[by maryyugo@4:33pmGMT] [15 comments]

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