obviously a strongly elongated penis is the solution
Friday, 10 January 2025

tinygrad: A simple and powerful neural network framework

quote [ tinygrad

We write and maintain tinygrad, the fastest growing neural network framework (over 23,000 GitHub stars)

It's extremely simple, and breaks down the most complex networks into 3 OpTypes
ElementwiseOps are UnaryOps, BinaryOps, and TernaryOps.
They operate on 1-3 tensors and run elementwise.
example: SQRT, LOG2, ADD, MUL, WHERE, etc...

ReduceOps operate on one tensor and return a smaller tensor.
example: SUM, MAX

MovementOps are virtual ops that operate on one tensor and move the data around
Copy-free with ShapeTracker.
example: RESHAPE, PERMUTE, EXPAND, etc... ]

But how...where are your CONVs and MATMULs? Read the code to solve this mystery.

[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Informative]
[by R1Xhard@9:38pmGMT] [2 comments]

Thursday, 2 January 2025

The Legend of Bigfoot | Strikes Again

quote [ Did you here the news.... ]

Check extended.

[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Funny]
[by R1Xhard@3:16pmGMT] [0 comments]

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Full colour 3D printing at home with PolyDye - Open Source Inkjet integration

quote [ PolyDye is a community created solution to full colour 3D printing, by adding an inkjet cartridge controlled by custom electronics and firmware. In this video, I take you through how it works, installation and calibration, and current performance and issues. Hopefully some testers come on board to help develop and get this production ready.

The hardware in this video was provided free of charge for the purposes of testing and making this video. Although Jacques is my patron, I think it?s still clear that I have provided a transparent account of my experience, including bugs and problems. ]

Pretty interesting implementation. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Interesting]
[by steele@7:17pmGMT] [0 comments]

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Making a laser haircutter was a bad idea

quote [ @Ididathing
2 days ago
No, I will not use it on my pubes ]

I'm pretty sure my sister has one of those laser gantries still in the box. ?
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 WTF]
[by steele@4:49pmGMT] [3 comments]

Saturday, 7 December 2024


quote [ 1. posts are collected into a digest once a day.
2. posts from yesterday are deleted, forever, every day.
3. posts are a draft and can be edited until the moment that yesterday is deleted and tomorrow becomes today.
4.posts are only visible between people who "add" one another ("mutual follows"). ]

Well, it's not exactly starter packs .. more like low-key social media art.

Explanation can be found at nnnnnnnn.co.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Good]
[by Paracetamol@5:24pmGMT] [1 comment]

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Do You Speak the Lingo?

quote [ Director uses its own programming language, Lingo, which is inspired by languages like Smalltalk and HyperCard. [?] Lingo uses a HyperCard-style English-like way of programming and Smalltalk-style object oriented features.

Early versions of Director are unusual for having the engine interpret the game logic straight from source code?which means if you?ve got any copy of the game, you?ve got the source code too. ]

This used to be very common back in the day and it's interesting to see devs working through funky Mac-only code today. Kind of the making-of of this post from the author of this music blog.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Original]
[by Paracetamol@7:52amGMT] [2 comments]

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Extracting Strawberry DNA to make Massive Bubbles

quote [ In this video we're back to one of my favorite projects that I started playing with more than 10 years ago: making giant bubbles. After experimenting with many of my own mixtures, I've found the best consistency in results comes from a variation of a recipe found on the Soap Bubble Wiki, "Mike's Gooey Mix". That is the baseline mixture used for the tests in this video. ]

Welp, now I gotta make some giant bubbles.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Interesting]
[by steele@12:27amGMT] [0 comments]

Sunday, 17 November 2024

The Flipbook Experiment

quote [ Our small rebellious group yielded a meager four probable penises, some non-circle geometric shapes, hearts, flowers, human figures, and various other doodles. ]

An online collective flipbook producing a rather boring 8 and something minute film but going through statistical analysis afterwards.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Good]
[by Paracetamol@7:16amGMT] [0 comments]

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

I Built an Underground Go-Kart

quote [ this is my pipe dream.do not attempt this, storm drains can be dangerous ]

Jeebus, that's a nightmare waiting to happen. Kinda jealous though. Always wanted to do it.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+2]
[by steele@10:15pmGMT] [0 comments]

Monday, 28 October 2024

Setting up my federated fleamarket with flohmarkt

quote [ flohmarkt provides its own http server that can be used stand-alone to show small ads that registered users may publish.
It's also possible to follow accounts on flohmarkt servers like any other account in the fediverse to get new small ads published by that account in your timeline. ]

The explanation makes it sound tedious to set up, but here's a list of known instances.

Federated eBay sound like a cool solution though. Quote is project readme.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+1 Good]
[by Paracetamol@6:42pmGMT] [0 comments]

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