never underestimate a coconut
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by jsabin69
Sunday, 5 May 2019

Winnie the pooh voice actor accused rapist/animal abuser

quote [ Jim Cummings, who has voiced both Winnie the Pooh and Tigger in Disney films, has been accused by his ex-wife of rape and physical violence. ]

Granted the accusations come from his ex wife and not proven so I'd take it with a grain of salt, but the accusations aren't mild.

[SFW] [crime & punishment] [+4 Sad]
[by jsabin69@7:56amGMT] [39 comments]

Friday, 21 September 2018

Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong

quote [ For decades, the medical community has ignored mountains of evidence to wage a cruel and futile war on fat people, poisoning public perception and ruining millions of lives. It's time for a new paradigm. ]

As someone that has been a competitive athlete and a fatty and lost over 150 Lbs then regained some (thankfully not all) of it back this article tells a tale so many people who have dieted understand all too well. Almost everyone who diets and loses weight eventually gains it back if not gaining more back.

[SFW] [health] [+1]
[by jsabin69@12:06amGMT] [31 comments]

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

The War To Sell You A Mattress Is An Internet Nightmare | Fast Company

quote [ Why did Casper sue a mattress blogger? A closer look reveals a secret, multimillion-dollar battle to get you into bed. ]

Big mattress as evil as most corps--no surprise; I know I will almost certainly never buy a casper mattress in light of their apparent practices in this case

[SFW] [business] [+10 Interesting]
[by jsabin69@11:04amGMT] [10 comments]

Friday, 12 May 2017

Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage?

quote [ What the experiences of nonmonogamous couples can tell us about jealousy, love, desire and trust. ]

I studied human sexuality in my undergrad along with anthropology, sociology, and psychology, and the model of normal human mating and partnership that I saw was clearly not lifelong monogamy. I think people should be free to structure their relationships as they want and I particularly dislike marriage as it exists as a state institution because it's way too wrapped up in religion and moral judgment that far exceed those necessary for fostering a strong family core for the good of the state. Thankfully, I see open marriage and just plain serial monogamy as gaining more ground as we move into the future. Anyway it's a good if a bit long article worth reading.

[SFW] [people] [+5 Interesting]
[by jsabin69@1:37amGMT] [22 comments]

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Man Fined $500 for Crime of Writing I Am An Engineer in an Email to the Government

quote [ An electronics engineer says he found a flaw in traffic lights. The Oregon engineering board fined him for it. ]

Abuse of power. Sad.

[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+7 WTF]
[by jsabin69@2:33pmGMT] [15 comments]

Monday, 12 December 2016

Fentanyl and you,. The real villains in the opioid overdose epidemic are counterfeit pills

quote [ When investigators sent counterfeit pills seized after the Sacramento poisonings for testing at the University of California, they found a wide disparity in the amount of fentanyl each contained. Some pills had as little as 0.6mg. Others were stuffed with 6.9mg of the drug, which would almost certainly be fatal. ]

As someone who depends on strong opioids to maintain a minimal quality of life. I truly hope that we can stop demonizing fentanyl and other strong medicines and focus on the real problems; i.e. poor addiction treatment, counterfeit drugs, and poor overall health care. The last thing the country needs is a revitalization of the war on drugs, which is what demonizing the drugs will do.

[SFW] [politics] [+4 Interesting]
[by jsabin69@4:52pmGMT] [16 comments]

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Say, Who Was That Mysterious Man Behind Hillary Clinton?

quote [ she has “a little chuckle to myself” when she thinks about the current debates over health care. “I don’t know,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Where was he when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94?”

The answer: “Literally, standing right behind her,” a Sanders spokesman, Mike Casca, said on Twitter, posting a photo from a 1994 news conference that shows Mr. Sanders next to Mrs. Clinton when the then first lady spoke about the White House’s proposed health care overhaul. ]

I voted for Hillary in the primary against Obama, but I am truly in support of Sanders because I believe he is what he stands for, and I can't say that as surely about Clinton. I also believe he has a true chance of ushering in meaningful change for the better of most if not all of us.

[SFW] [politics] [+7 Funny]
[by jsabin69@3:39amGMT] [32 comments]

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


quote [ AC/DC are ending their 41 year career on a terribly sad note.

Plans were underway for a new studio album, their first since 2008's monumental Black Ice, and a '40th Anniversary' world tour, 40 huge shows across the globe.

More than a month ago, founding member, rhythm guitarist, co-producer and co-songwriter Malcolm Young had a stroke, which left a blood clot on his brain. ] favorite band...can't believe it's over

[SFW] [music] [+10 Informative]
[by jsabin69@9:51pmGMT] [15 comments]

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