Sunday, 10 May 2020
quote [ CWU's Nick Zentner from his home in Ellensburg, Washington during the global coronavirus pandemic. ]
Professor Nick Zentner is presenting a geological history of the Pacific northwest, livestreamed every day on Youtube. Nick is one of those teachers you wish you had, who knows his subject deeply, loves it, and is hugely entertaining as he passes that knowledge on to you. Material is largely taken from a series of public lectures he gives every year, and covers topics including the Yellowstone hotspot, Columbia flood basalts, the formation of the Cascades, and the many exotic terranes composing the Pacific northwest.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Celebrating a world of heavy metal.
Thumb is the song "Wolf Totem" by the band The HU. A blend of traditional Mongolian throat-singing and metal. Come with me, brothers and sisters, let us drown the world in blood and fire together. More in extended.
Thursday, 21 July 2016
quote [ The U.S. Government has arrested the alleged owner of KickassTorrents, the world's largest torrent site. The 30-year-old Ukrainian was arrested in Poland today and is charged with criminal copyright infringement and money laundering. In addition, a federal court in Chicago has ordered the seizure of several KAT domain names. ]
So much for that. Time to find another torrent site, preferably one that deals heavily with ebooks. Suggestions currently being accepted.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
quote [ With technology advancing, and with younger shoppers drawn to synthetic options, the question of whether or not lab-grown diamonds will invade the market is now a matter of when, not if. ]
Lab-grown diamonds have reached the point of being clear, gem grade, inexpensive, and virtually indistinguishable from rocks dug out of the earth. The diamond industry feels threatened, but a handful of jewelers are embracing synthetic diamonds.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Fiction this time, and with a handy-dandy DNS redirection service behind it so the link doesn't die when my IP changes.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
I've been wanting to share my Calibre library for a while now...
Saturday, 12 March 2016
quote [ Can y'all Cool kids make some vids so i can see what you are building. I only have interweb on my phone so minecraft pe is all i got. The last update makes it shit to play. The child zombies are immune to daylight and they are superfast. ]
I'm taking a few videos of the cool stuff we've built on the Minecraft server.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE:, PM RobotRoadKill or myself to add you to the whitelist. DO IT! More videos in the extended.
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