Thursday, 17 November 2022

What People Lose In The CANAL (Magnet Fishing)

quote [ About Bondi Treasure Hunter:
G'day, I'm Leigh and I search for treasure all over the world in all kinds of ways. Scuba Diving, Metal Detecting or Magnet Fishing - if it's out there I'll find it!
My treasure hunting motto is "Anything could be anywhere!"
No matter where I go treasure hunting and metal detecting, I have lot's of fun. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy my adventures. If you have any questions about how to search for treasure just leave a comment! ]

This looks fun, I wanna try it when I get back on the road.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+2]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 5:52pm GMT on 17th November
Vadim Boyko, deputy director of the Vladivostok Pacific Naval College, was reportedly found dead on Wednesday morning after five gunshots were heard inside his office.

Local media outlets including newspaper Dalnevostochnye Vedomosti reported that his death was classed as suicide.

Five shots, and it was suicide? Who shoots themselves four times, and thinks "One more for luck."?

cb361 said @ 5:53pm GMT on 17th November
Vadim Boyko, deputy director of the Vladivostok Pacific Naval College, was reportedly found dead on Wednesday morning after five gunshots were heard inside his office.

Local media outlets including newspaper Dalnevostochnye Vedomosti reported that his death was classed as suicide. Dalnevostochnye Vedomosti claimed that Boyko "shot himself in the temple."

Five shots, and it was suicide? Who shoots themselves four times in the head, and thinks "One more for luck."?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 5:52pm GMT on 17th November [Score:-2 WTF]
Vadim Boyko, deputy director of the Vladivostok Pacific Naval College, was reportedly found dead on Wednesday morning after five gunshots were heard inside his office.

Local media outlets including newspaper Dalnevostochnye Vedomosti reported that his death was classed as suicide. Dalnevostochnye Vedomosti claimed that Boyko "shot himself in the temple."

Five shots, and it was suicide? Who shoots themselves four times in the head, and thinks "One more for luck."?

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