Saturday, 23 August 2014

Updates to Anti-Gay Crusader Scott Lively's eligibility to stand trial for crimes against Humanity.

quote [ Extremist anti-gay US pastor is accused of engineering the Uganda 'Kill The Gays' bill, saying LGBT people are the 'new Nazis' and recommending Russia's 'gay propaganda' laws.

For the first time, a federal US judge has ruled a persecution of LGBT people is a crime against humanity. ]

Original article linked in extended, new link is all the updates to the case. I also apologize for p-headless-q's disgusting comment from February. -- Previous link and story.
[SFW] [politics] [+2 Good]
[by AssBastard@6:13pmGMT]


sanepride said @ 6:21pm GMT on 23rd Aug
This article is a year old. Any follow-up?
AssBastard said @ 6:22pm GMT on 23rd Aug
I JUST noticed that. Checking now.
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
sanepride said @ 6:29pm GMT on 23rd Aug
OK, besides being old, this headline is not accurate. He is not going to 'stand trial' for 'crimes against humanity', as gratifying as such an action might be. The actual ruling simply allows for a lawsuit brought by a Ugandan gay rights group to proceed. There seems to be no update on the status of the suit, it's probably still tangled up in the courts.
AssBastard said @ 6:30pm GMT on 23rd Aug
FINE, changed the wording.

The shit I do for you people. *Ziiiiip*
sanepride said @ 6:42pm GMT on 23rd Aug
The legal issues and terminology are confusing. Technically he's being sued for 'human rights violations', which isn't really the same as 'crimes against humanity', even if that's the term Judge Ponsor used in his ruling . Based on the info here on the Alien Tort Statute, which is the basis of the suit, he faces at worst the possibility of a civil, not criminal judgement.
Dumbledorito said @ 6:53pm GMT on 23rd Aug [Score:1 Funny]
What about being sued for Cards Against Humanity?

AssBastard said @ 7:05pm GMT on 23rd Aug [Score:3 Funny]
My friends and I called the "A bleached asshole." card the Guy Fieri card.
ENZ said @ 1:48am GMT on 24th Aug
Anyone else find it rather bombastic for a pastor to wear a tie with little dollar bills all over it?
Dumbledorito said @ 3:48am GMT on 24th Aug
Prosperity Gospel's one hell of a drug, man.
p_headless_g said @ 3:44pm GMT on 21st Feb [Score:-5 Illegal Pron]
filtered comment under your threshold
AssBastard said @ 5:52pm GMT on 21st Feb [Score:1 Underrated]
Come on, man. Don't do that here.
Arrowhen said @ 6:59pm GMT on 21st Feb
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
AssBastard said @ 6:22pm GMT on 23rd Aug
Oh for fuck's sake, I WOULD get the post where this was commented back in February.
robotroadkill said @ 6:38pm GMT on 23rd Aug [Score:1 Interesting]
Oh, because it's post #666
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
AssBastard said @ 6:29pm GMT on 23rd Aug
The fuck? It used to be 22 comments that made the images at -5 disappear.
steele said @ 6:34pm GMT on 23rd Aug
looks like the code default was 50, dropped it to 20.
Naruki said @ 9:51pm GMT on 24th Aug
What is the rationale for having that at all? And why is 20 still acceptable rather than, say, 5?
steele said @ 10:54pm GMT on 24th Aug
I believe the rationale was that it gave the conversation room to grow rather than letting it be swayed by the first initial comments. Similar to why reddit is currently hiding the score for the first few minutes of a comment's life.
XregnaR said @ 9:01pm GMT on 23rd Aug
I saw it at -4 when I dropped into this thread. I changed that.
steele said @ 6:27pm GMT on 23rd Aug
All, I'm seeing is "4CHAN.ORG" are you seeing something else?
AssBastard said @ 6:28pm GMT on 23rd Aug
It WAS the chainsaw beheading gif.
GordonGuano said @ 6:39pm GMT on 23rd Aug
Aw, I wanted to see that.
GordonGuano said @ 6:43pm GMT on 23rd Aug
Actually, no I didn't.

Chainsaws are basically vorpal. Who knew?
Dumbledorito said @ 6:43pm GMT on 23rd Aug
But how did you see it? I thought all hotlinks to 4chan were instantly anti-leeched.
AssBastard said @ 7:04pm GMT on 23rd Aug
I remember the link being there in its uncensored glory back when it was posted in February, and it's better to be safe than sorry, y'know?

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