Sunday, 14 August 2016

Solo Project for school (art in processing)

quote [ It's fucking art, dude. Also, please don't try to fuck me over, as I'm putting some of my personal information out on a limb. Critical feedback is always appreciated! ]

So this was my solo project for school/coding boot camp. We were given more-or-less free reign on what we wanted to create, with the one requirement being that is was a full-stack app. I developed in the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node), and styled with a really simple bootstrap/custom CSS implementation. Username and pass for the site is "SE" and "Steele", both are case sensitive.

Things of note: "Please Kill Me" will take a little while to load depending on your internet connection, as I'm pre-loading 4 mp3's into memory. Also, this entire app was developed with my machine in mind, so if you've got an old machine or a laptop without much RAM/GPU, I apologize in advance.

If anyone is interested in learning p5 (the official javascript implementation of Processing), just hit me up. I don't have all the answers, but I have some of them.

Also, here is one of the heads of the Processing Foundation and general badass, Daniel Shiffman:
Here is his amazing youtube channel, organized by playlist:
[SFW] [art] [+8 Original]
[by MFDork@6:15amGMT]


Space_1889 said @ 6:22am GMT on 14th Aug
Thanks for sharing - not interesting enough for me to to mod, though. Sorry...
MFDork said @ 6:30am GMT on 14th Aug
Not a problem! At this point I'm happy for any and all feedback.
shiftace said @ 6:58am GMT on 14th Aug
the Please Kill Me song selector box looks blank until I have my mouse pointer hovering over it.

lilmookieesquire said @ 7:03am GMT on 14th Aug
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
p5.sound.js:298 DynamicsCompressor.ratio.value 100 outside nominal range [1, 20]; value will be clamped.
MFDork said @ 7:14am GMT on 14th Aug
Interesting. I'll try to replicate both of these errors in the morning. The things you learn in a two week period. What browser were you using/OS?
shiftace said @ 7:36am GMT on 14th Aug
Chrome window 7. let me know if you need more specs and i'll mp them to you.
Hactar said @ 4:19pm GMT on 14th Aug
Encountering the same issue on Chrome in Windows 10.
MFDork said @ 7:15am GMT on 14th Aug
bizarre. So it looks like an empty selector until you hover over? What browser/os? I'll try to fix that in the morning.
JWWargo said @ 7:55am GMT on 14th Aug
Same deal with the pick a song drop box. Firefox 48 on Win7 32bit.
steele said @ 11:38am GMT on 14th Aug
Looks like your selector's CSS is set to white. ;)
JWWargo said @ 7:56am GMT on 14th Aug
I really like the Neuromancer piece.
steele said @ 12:25pm GMT on 14th Aug
Oh! THAT KIND OF STACK! Ha! SE runs on php mysql so... LAMP, I guess? When you said stack my brain immediately went to this. Was wondering why you were asking about memory handling. My bad.

Also, your interesting project filled up my poor laptop's virtual memory, crashed chrome, and is going to require a reboot. Well done! :D
Paracetamol said @ 2:31pm GMT on 14th Aug
Hey – you wrecked my laptop as well w/ the last project – especially the first one looks very nice, though.
Also note that I was able to just register any user – sorry; didn't see the info on the post.

Recently saw a piece about how Kentucky Route Zero was inspired by Experimental Video Art and Tarkofsky, so maybe art school people testing out programming prototypes motivates you even further.

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