Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Leftist Videogames for 2022

quote [ World Worsening Simulators, i.e. Player Mainly Runs Around Destroying Stuff And Decreasing Biodiversity, Few To No Pettable Animals/Growable Plants/Huggable NPCs/etc:

Cattails, Mindustry, Minecraft, Terraria, Skyrim ]

Very interesting case for narrow game tastes and sensibilities. If you need some review opinions this year.

Thumb via Clawmarks blog.

Personally, it looks like Rollercoaster Tycoon might be a good idea to try again after I never finished that demo 20 years ago…

Oh, and there's also games with cats, if you're into that.
[SFW] [games] [+1 Interesting]
[by Paracetamol]
<-- Entry / Comment History

steele said @ 10:36pm GMT on 6th January
Thanks. I don't generally recommend anyone ever actually go to reddit, but there's a whole subreddit of people reviewing the stuff from the bundle. It's mostly dead now though.

steele said @ 10:38pm GMT on 6th January
Thanks. I don't generally recommend anyone ever actually go to reddit, but there's a whole subreddit of people reviewing the stuff from the bundle. It's mostly dead now though.

Which is where I found this.

Random Bundle Game -'s Racial Justice and Equality Bundle Browser

<-- Entry / Current Comment
steele said @ 10:36pm GMT on 6th January [Score:1 Good]
Thanks. I don't generally recommend anyone ever actually go to reddit, but there's a whole subreddit of people reviewing the stuff from the bundle. It's mostly dead now though.

Which is where I found this.

Random Bundle Game -'s Racial Justice and Equality Bundle Browser

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