Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Ship Your Enemies Glitter Was a Media Stunt

quote [ In what is now the Observer?s second big exclusive on a media stunt that fooled nearly everyone in media, I was able to ask Mathew some questions about what happened, what he saw and what he learned and how this stunt came to be. I hope his answers provide some insight for readers on how the news works these days?but more importantly I hope it chastises increasingly lazy reporters. Oh and I hope everyone gives Mathew some credit, because this whole thing was absolutely brilliant from top to bottom. ]

Follow-up to this post.

Guy was able to sell off the website for $85K before he came clean about it.
[SFW] [humor] [+7 Interesting]
[by JWWargo]
<-- Entry / Comment History

dave said @ 10:00pm GMT on 27th January
same guy?
Looks like a glitter bomb to me.

dave said @ 5:11pm GMT on 27th January
Looks like a glitter bomb to me.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
dave said @ 10:00pm GMT on 27th January
Looks like a glitter bomb to me.

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