random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

it's not about the panties. It's what's inside that counts - swiggy

tamp modded me up. Does that make me crazy? - Jaxon

stand in Steve Jobs' living room and produce oxygen - Ankylosaur

are you saying we need to put boobs in harnesses? - Saint_Marck

I have never been happier in my life as the day I shat the ER up. - rndmnmbr

don't try to kill a guy who's willing to go down on you - sanepride

turn on, tune in, tits out - ENZ

priceless. And worthless. - sanepride

you could have someone foster your ovum - eIfish

porn is expensive. Pr0n is free - Saint_Marck

I like that bear's buttocks - warmseat

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