random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

it's not about the panties. It's what's inside that counts - swiggy

sex for the ego, porn for the id - Lord Hypnos

on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us - Navier-Strokes

if you're sock puppeting to save your reputation, you're not drunk enough - Dioxin

she never expected to absorb the poison though her vaginal wall - mechanical contrivance

priceless. And worthless. - sanepride

defiling the lifebag of man - tamp

I also pee in the shower, but that's for another discussion - snowfox

In honor of our second anniversary, I've had a prostitute adopted in your name. - steele

there's love, and then there's SE love - madfishmonger

never underestimate a coconut - ckfahrenheit

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