Tuesday, 23 April 2024

The Swinging Cabin of SS Bessemer

quote [ English inventor Sir Henry Bessemer, renowned for his groundbreaking steel manufacturing process that still bears his name, once lamented, ?Few persons have suffered more severely than I have from sea sickness.? ]

Stormin' makin waves till I'm gettin' motion sickness
[SFW] [history]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:03amGMT] [0 comments]

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Trip?s Big Interactive Reset

quote [ Why 3DO?s true innovation wasn?t its early 3D hardware, but its business model?a model that perfectly matches its founder?s philosophy. ]

They get left in the dust like Panasonic 3DO
[SFW] [history] [+2 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:01amGMT] [0 comments]

Saturday, 20 April 2024

The Snowdrop: Lost In the Arctic

quote [ In 1908, a small Scottish whaling ship was wrecked in the Arctic waters between Greenland and Canada. The crew became trapped with a community of Inuit on a frozen archipelago. They had little food or shelter, and winter was approaching. Facing frostbite and starvation, a young seaman set off with his Inuit friends on a hundreds-of-miles journey across broken ice floes, vast glaciers, and berg-filled seas on an epic quest to find help. ]

Snowdrop (take a, take a breath)
[SFW] [history] [+1 Original]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:01amGMT] [0 comments]

Monday, 8 April 2024

From Playtime to Priceless: How Mechanical Toys Became Coveted Collectibles

quote [ Automata, best described as ?self-operating? machines, were known in the Ancient World. In 1900, divers recovered the remarkable Antikythera Mechanism ? an Ancient Greek model of the solar system, dating from circa 87 BC ? considered the oldest known example of an analogue computer operated by a complex system of bronze gears. ]

Some mechanical toy of your childhood
[SFW] [history] [+1 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:00amGMT] [1 comment]

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Inside the Malaysian Museum Devoted to McDonald's Toys

quote [ Lee Choon Chiek has spent four decades collecting 70,000 toys, Happy Meal boxes, Grimace costumes, and more. ]

And he plays you like a mcdonalds toy
[SFW] [history] [+1 WTF]
[by ScoobySnacks@1:24pmGMT] [1 comment]

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Windows Onto History: The Defenestrations of Prague (1419?1997)

quote [ Throwing people out of windows (or defenestrating them, as the Latin has it) is an act imbued with longstanding political significance in Prague. From the Hussite revolt in the late Middle Ages through the Thirty Years? War to modern instances of ?autodefenestration?, Thom Sliwowski finds a national shibboleth imbued with ritual efficacy. ]

Defenestrating commentators like they did common sense
[SFW] [history]
[by ScoobySnacks@7:54amGMT] [2 comments]

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Watch 1505: The World's First Watch

quote [ In 1987, during a school trip to London, a watchmaker apprentice stumbled upon a rare find at an antique flea market. Concealed within a box filled with antiquated metal odds and ends there was an intriguing timepiece?a small copper sphere that could be opened to reveal a smaller hemisphere within. ]

Got a new wrist watch
[SFW] [history] [+1 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@7:24amGMT] [0 comments]

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

How Invasive Moths Improved 19th-Century Astronomical Illustrations

quote [ After accidentally introducing invasive moths to North America, amateur entomologist Étienne Léopold Trouvelot turned his eyes to the skies and changed science. ]

I'm just a moth in the light
[SFW] [history] [+1 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:05amGMT] [0 comments]

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Thai Fortune-Telling Manuscript, Before 1844

quote [ Illustrations from a 1844 Thai manuscript for owned by Paul Revere's daughter1844" ]

I done got into some fortune telling
[SFW] [history] [+1 Good]
[by ScoobySnacks@5:01amGMT] [0 comments]

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