Friday, 29 June 2018
quote [ A former Democratic insider made a bold implication regarding now-former Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and his relationship with President Donald Trump, after a New York Times report looked at the history between the two men. The article traced the connection back to when Kennedy’s son Justin Kennedy dealt with Trump while working at Deutsche Bank during a time when the bank loaned Trump more than a billion dollars. ]
So, he not only have 5-4 decisions been going Trump's way lately but no recusal on Citizen United?
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
quote [ For a year, the walking and biking trails snaking through south Kansas City, Mo., were plagued with bloodshed.
Beginning in August 2016 and continuing deep into the next year, the bodies of hikers and dog walkers were found dead along the city’s Indian Creek trail or on nearby roadways. They were all shot. They were all middle-aged. They were all white. ] I am sure the commentary on this on the internet will be sober and reflective . /s
Monday, 15 January 2018
quote [ The Trump administration’s strategy of delegitimizing the free press hit a snag this weekend when White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to prove that Trump was misquoted, but provided audio showing the opposite. ]
Fun Fact: The White House is recording conversations within, which makes them subject to FOIA requests any time the President wishes to deny he said something, we can get the official version from White House itself.
And if they are recording more than just conversations with the press, I guess they missed the Nixon memo?
Filtered: [-3: Boring by kylemcbitch] |
quote [ Florida construction companies allegedly have a pattern of hiring undocumented immigrants, then calling authorities on injured employees rather than paying for workers’ compensation. This all got covered in a yearlong investigation by The Naples Daily News. ]
Let me get this straight...
This company knowingly hired an illegal, but apparently our laws on this are so weak they brazenly can admit they hired an illegal in order to get him deported so they don't have to pay him? Anyone in Florida want to take a moment to tell their governor how fucked up that is? Rick Scott - (850) 717-9337
Thursday, 7 December 2017
quote [ The leader of Hamas has called for a new uprising against Israel after US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. ]
Regardless of how you feel about Israel or Palestine, this is an unforced error with lasting consequences.
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
quote [ Comcast Corporation & NBCUniversal with at least $100,000. ]
If you have Comcast service, please voice your displeasure with their donating $100,000 to the campaign to elect Roy Moore, an accused child molester.
quote [ Blackwater founder Erik Prince, a former CIA paramilitary officer, and Oliver North want to make 80s-style covert action great again. ]
Whoa. WHOA. What the actual fuck?
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
quote [ It’s no surprise that comics and Nazism have never gotten along, going way back to Captain America slapping the dickens out of Hitler during WW2, and the comic genre hasn’t slowed down since. Superman fought the KKK, Shazam punched Captain Nazi, and Hellboy, well Hellboy just likes punching people with goofy mustaches. With so many wonderful examples, it was hard to narrow it down to only a handful of samples, but hopefully the ones I chose prove that hate not only has no place in our comic books, but no place in America either. ]
A comic reviewer friend of mine, made me smile.
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