if we stop respecting 'dibs' then the world will dissolve into chaos
I think I got most of the errors, let me know if I missed any. -steele
All posts by Anti_fuites
Thursday, 4 August 2016

Seinfeld 9/11 Script - An Exercise in Bad Taste

quote [ When Domineau posted it from his Google Drive yesterday, he told friends on Facebook: "I've written a Seinfeld spec script. It's called The Twin Towers. Yep. It's a 9/11 episode. This is what I do with my time now. Please join me on this journey deep into the subconscious of the multi-cam sitcom." ]

It's probably as horrible as you think. Enjoy!
[SFW] [humor] [+4]
[by Anti_fuites@11:39amGMT] [6 comments]

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