Saturday, 16 October 2021

Political Cruelty | The Takeaway: Deep Dive with Dorian Warren

quote [ To me, I think that's actually one reason why things feel so divided and partisan right now, is because the overall majority consensus around the acceptance of whiteness and white democracy has collapsed, and white nativists can't even trust other white people to support them. ]

Heard this on the radio, and while the whole piece is extremely insightful, I feel the quote above really gets to the root of the "own the libs" mentality.

There's also a transcript on this page for those of you who prefer to read.
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Underrated]
[by mechavolt@4:38pmGMT]


yunnaf said @ 10:58am GMT on 17th Oct
Randy: When I think of political cruelty, I think of immigration and our policies, whether it's Trump and the so-called shithole countries like Haiti, El Salvador, and the African nations.

Walter: I think an act of political cruelty was when Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina, and she refused to accept expanded Medicaid. She was cruel to many people,

Cindy: political cruelty, the Republican strategy to take control of a majority of state governments has been successful. Now they can outlaw a woman's right to abortion and her right to control her own body and her life. This is cruel to women and the unwanted children born to them.

Stan: My moments of political cruelty, the January 6th insurrection. McConnell's refusal to review Obama's Supreme Court nominee, and the entire GOP's refusal to acknowledge the Biden's presidency.

the overall majority consensus around the acceptance of whiteness and white democracy has collapsed, and white nativists can't even trust other white people to support them.

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