Sunday, 7 January 2018

A Band of Thieves

quote [ The story of a young, western-obsessed girl hell-bent on turning her quiet Texas suburb into the lawless playground of her imagination. ]

15 minutes of fun!
[SFW] [art] [+2 Good]
[by Spyike@9:40pmGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 11:41pm GMT on 8th Jan
Thanks for that!

And speaking of psychotic teens on a criminal rampage, I highly recommend The End of the F**king World on Netflix. Although decidedly darker, it has a similar romantic feel.

The End of the F**king World | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
Spyike said @ 8:23pm GMT on 9th Jan
Yeah, I saw that over the Christmas holidays, I liked it. Similar-to-that again recommendation: Submarine directed by Richard Ayoade.
Paracetamol said @ 6:33pm GMT on 3rd Apr
Nice soundtrack!

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