Friday, 28 October 2016

Google's neural networks invent their own encryption

quote [ In their experiment, computers were able to make their own form of encryption using machine learning, without being taught specific cryptographic algorithms. The encryption was very basic, especially compared to our current human-designed systems. ]

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords.

[SFW] [science & technology] [+2 Interesting]
[by buckaroo50]
<-- Entry / Comment History

buckaroo50 said @ 9:36pm GMT on 28th October
I searched for "encrypt" and "neural" and didn't come up with anything. The paper was also just submitted 7 days ago.

On looking back on the article though, while I found the subject and its ramifications interesting (combined with steganography, AIs existing and communicating without our knowledge), the article and actual accomplishment aren't that interesting.

I mostly wanted to get my support on record ;)

buckaroo50 said @ 9:38pm GMT on 28th October
I searched for "encrypt" and "neural" and didn't come up with anything. The paper was also just submitted 7 days ago.

On looking back on the article though, while I found the subject and its ramifications interesting (combined with steganography, AIs existing and communicating without our knowledge in languages they invent), the article and actual accomplishment aren't that interesting.

I mostly wanted to get my support on record ;)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
buckaroo50 said @ 9:36pm GMT on 28th October [Score:1 Informative]
I searched for "encrypt" and "neural" and didn't come up with anything. The paper was also just submitted 7 days ago.

On looking back on the article though, while I found the subject and its ramifications interesting (combined with steganography, AIs existing and communicating without our knowledge in languages they invent), the article and actual accomplishment aren't that interesting.

I mostly wanted to get my support on record ;)

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