Sunday, 7 January 2024

Maine officially has a new political party

quote [ There is officially a new political party in Maine.

The No Labels Party has been confirmed as a qualified party in the state after submitting an enrollment form last month.

The party was required to have at least 5,000 enrolled voters to qualify to take part in the June primary. The Secretary of State's office says the No Labels Party had 9,423 Maine voters enrolled as of Jan. 2, 2024. ]

Interesting. I wonder if they're truly centrist or if it' s not so cleverly disguised right wing ploy. need to research this more
[SFW] [politics] [+2]
[by rylex]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Ebichuman said @ 1:13pm GMT on 8th January
The Reddit hive mind seems fairly convinced it's a right-wing spoiler party:

I would agree, since of the two political parties, I think democrats are more likely to be attracted by any third party, and are generally more factionalized to begin with. Therefore, any "neutral" third party will likely siphon more democratic votes.

But not a lot of sources cited beyond this one, which links some donors to Jared Kushner:

Ebichuman said @ 1:14pm GMT on 8th January
The Reddit hive mind seems fairly convinced it's a right-wing spoiler party:

I would agree, since of the two political parties, I think democrats are more likely to be attracted by any third party, and are generally more factionalized to begin with. Therefore, any "neutral" third party will likely siphon more democratic votes.

But not a lot of sources cited beyond this one, which links some donors to Jared Kushner:

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Ebichuman said @ 1:13pm GMT on 8th January [Score:1 Informative]
The Reddit hive mind seems fairly convinced it's a right-wing spoiler party:

I would agree, since of the two political parties, I think democrats are more likely to be attracted by any third party, and are generally more factionalized to begin with. Therefore, any "neutral" third party will likely siphon more democratic votes.

But not a lot of sources cited beyond this one, which links some donors to Jared Kushner:

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