Saturday, 21 December 2019

Official U.S. Government Website Lists Fictional Country of Wakanda as Free Trade Partner

quote [ If you saw the 2018 Marvel movie Black Panther, you know that the fictional land of Wakanda is filled with some incredible technologies. But did you know that Wakanda is a trade partner with the United States? At least that’s what was listed on an official U.S. government website until it was recently taken down. ]

Got my diamonds from Wakanda
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Funny]
[by ScoobySnacks]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Jack Blue said @ 6:41pm GMT on 21st December
We have had "cute monkey" and "incredible item" leak to production quite a bit when I was a tester. To our defense, the customer never told us that the integration environment they gave us for testing was 100% in production.

Same customer launched a site for a government store without telling us it was live. I found it by accident while googling around.

Jack Blue said @ 6:48pm GMT on 21st December
We have had "cute monkey" and "incredible item" leak to production quite a bit when I was a tester. To our defense, the customer never told us that the integration environment they gave us for testing was 100% in production.

Same customer launched a site for a government store without telling us it was live. I found it by accident while googling around.

I am very glad I forced our team to only have silly and lighthearted testing data. A lot of Willy Wanka candy. Monkies. Some people had a habit of putting really nasty stuff in there.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Jack Blue said @ 6:41pm GMT on 21st December [Score:1 Insightful]
We have had "cute monkey" and "incredible item" leak to production quite a bit when I was a tester. To our defense, the customer never told us that the integration environment they gave us for testing was 100% in production.

Same customer launched a site for a government store without telling us it was live. I found it by accident while googling around.

I am very glad I forced our team to only have silly and lighthearted testing data. A lot of Willy Wanka candy. Monkies. Some people had a habit of putting really nasty stuff in there.

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