Tuesday, 8 October 2019

White House Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Et Al. 10.08.2019

quote [ Put simply, you seek to overturn the results of the 2006 election and deprive the American people of the president they have freely chosen. ]

No more meetin's! No more discussions! No more Sollozzo tricks! You give 'em one message.
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Informative]
[by Hugh E.]
<-- Entry / Comment History

rylex said @ 11:49pm GMT on 9th October
at that point, putin and china could just intercede and divide us in half.

perhaps this has been their plan over the last 30 years?

world war 3 started with the ending of the cold war. the actual physical conflicts appear in signs of skirmishes such as current day syria. the majority of it has been fought economically and informationally.

china has the econ side and russia has the info side.

rylex said @ 11:53pm GMT on 9th October
at that point, putin and china could just intercede and divide us in half.

perhaps this has been their plan over the last 30 years?

world war 3 started with the ending of the cold war. the actual physical conflicts appear in signs of skirmishes such as current day syria. the majority of it has been fought economically and informationally.

china has the econ side and russia has the info side. evidence can be seen in the way China has attempted to steal any tech we have as it relates to industry and production. look at Titanium for instance.
Russia started its disinfo campaign against us back in the early 80s. first evidenced in the vaccination scare (yes, it can all be traced back to them), which was initiated as a way to encourage people to question the governement.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
rylex said @ 11:49pm GMT on 9th October
at that point, putin and china could just intercede and divide us in half.

perhaps this has been their plan over the last 30 years?

world war 3 started with the ending of the cold war. the actual physical conflicts appear in signs of skirmishes such as current day syria. the majority of it has been fought economically and informationally.

china has the econ side and russia has the info side. evidence can be seen in the way China has attempted to steal any tech we have as it relates to industry and production. look at Titanium for instance.
Russia started its disinfo campaign against us back in the early 80s. first evidenced in the vaccination scare (yes, it can all be traced back to them), which was initiated as a way to encourage people to question the governement.

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