Thursday, 24 May 2018

Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

quote [ Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. ]

Nobel! Nobel! Nobel! Sad!
[SFW] [politics] [+7 Funny]
[by robotroadkill]
<-- Entry / Comment History

1111 said @ 3:00pm GMT on 24th May

Kim Dong Chul released from prison and returned home.

Kim Hak Song released from prison and returned home.

Tony Kim released from prison and returned home.

More than the last administration ever accomplished, and story ain't over yet.

1111 said @ 3:07pm GMT on 24th May

Kim Dong Chul released from prison and returned home.

Kim Hak Song released from prison and returned home.

Tony Kim released from prison and returned home.

More than the last administration ever accomplished, and story ain't over yet.

(BTW - Not that you have ever shown much interest in facts. It wasn't me who suggested Trump win the Nobel prize. That was the other guy, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in. If you are going to try to keep up with current events, you're going to have to learn to tell the difference between me and the President of South Korea.)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
1111 said @ 3:00pm GMT on 24th May [Score:-5 Unworthy Self Link]

Kim Dong Chul released from prison and returned home.

Kim Hak Song released from prison and returned home.

Tony Kim released from prison and returned home.

More than the last administration ever accomplished, and story ain't over yet.

(BTW - Not that you have ever shown much interest in facts. It wasn't me who suggested Trump win the Nobel prize. That was the other guy, South Korea's President Moon Jae-in. If you are going to try to keep up with current events, you're going to have to learn to tell the difference between me and the President of South Korea.)

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