Thursday, 24 May 2018

Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

quote [ Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. ]

Nobel! Nobel! Nobel! Sad!
[SFW] [politics] [+7 Funny]
[by robotroadkill]
<-- Entry / Comment History

1111 said @ 2:50pm GMT on 24th May

I was wrong. I admit it.

I wanted everyone to praise Trump, possibly even give him a Nobel, before he even succeeded. Now everything has fallen apart and I feel rather foolish.

I hope in time you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

1111 said @ 2:52pm GMT on 24th May

I was wrong. I admit it.

I wanted everyone to praise Trump, possibly even give him a Nobel, before he even succeeded. Now everything has fallen apart and I feel rather foolish.

I hope in time you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
not1111 said @ 2:50pm GMT on 24th May [Score:-10 Boring]

I was wrong. I admit it.

I wanted everyone to praise Trump, possibly even give him a Nobel, before he even succeeded. Now everything has fallen apart and I feel rather foolish.

I hope in time you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

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