Thursday, 12 October 2017

Law society's new policy compels speech, crossing line that must not be crossed

quote [ A recent message almost made me choke on my sandwich. “New obligations for 2017” was its subject line, “Actions you need to take.” All lawyers, it said, must prepare and submit a personal “Statement of Principles” attesting that we value and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. ]

I wonder if this has anything to do with the C-16 debates?
Another perspective: LSUC implements reporting requirements for diversity and inclusion
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Underrated]
[by Jodan]
<-- Entry / Comment History

5432 said @ 2:46pm GMT on 15th October

The exercise is straight out of Orwell, to wit:

“The Law Society has developed resources to help in creating your personal Statement of Principles.”

And that says it all right there. The Law Society have a series of “principles” they’re demanding. These aren’t “yours” they are “theirs”, hence the helpful “resources”. so that you get it right.

For instance, submitting that statement that, “my principles include diversity of opinion, freedom to dissent, and the furtherance of reward based on merit” won’t suffice. They don’t want, nor will they accept, “your principles”. They want their principles. And worse than just jamming them down your throat, they’re insisting on some Stalinist exercise whey you ventriloquize them for them – In some weird piece of political theater, where you pretend that they are your own.

Any competent lawyer will tell them to shove if up their ass.

5432 said @ 2:49pm GMT on 15th October

The exercise is straight out of Orwell, to wit:

“The Law Society has developed resources to help in creating your personal Statement of Principles.”

That says it all right there.

The Law Society has a series of “principles” they’re demanding. These aren’t “yours”, they are “theirs”, hence the helpful “resources”, so that you get the politics right.

For instance, submitting the statement that, “my principles include diversity of opinion, freedom to dissent, and the furtherance of reward based on merit” won’t suffice. They don’t want, nor will they accept, “your principles”. They want their principles. But worse than just jamming it down your throat, they’re insisting on some Stalinist exercise where you are forced to ventriloquize them for them – In some bizarro piece of political theater, to pretend that they are your own.

Any competent lawyer will tell them to shove if up their ass.

5432 said @ 2:52pm GMT on 15th October

The exercise is straight out of Orwell, to wit:

“The Law Society has developed resources to help in creating your personal Statement of Principles.”

That says it all right there.

The Law Society has a series of “principles” they’re demanding. These aren’t “yours”, they are “theirs”, hence the helpful “resources”, so that you get the politics right.

For instance, submitting the statement that, “my principles include diversity of opinion, freedom to dissent, and the furtherance of reward based on merit” won’t suffice. They don’t want, nor will they accept, “your principles”. They want their principles. But worse than just jamming them down your throat, which would at least be honest, they’re insisting on some Stalinist exercise where you are forced to ventriloquize them for them – In some bizarro piece of political theater, to pretend that they are your own.

Any competent lawyer will tell them to shove if up their ass. (IN ANAL).

<-- Entry / Current Comment
5432 said @ 2:46pm GMT on 15th October [Score:-1 Boring]

The exercise is straight out of Orwell, to wit:

“The Law Society has developed resources to help in creating your personal Statement of Principles.”

That says it all right there.

The Law Society has a series of “principles” they’re demanding. These aren’t “yours”, they are “theirs”, hence the helpful “resources”, so that you get the politics right.

For instance, submitting the statement that, “my principles include diversity of opinion, freedom to dissent, and the furtherance of reward based on merit” won’t suffice. They don’t want, nor will they accept, “your principles”. They want their principles. But worse than just jamming them down your throat, which would at least be honest, they’re insisting on some Stalinist exercise where you are forced to ventriloquize them for them – In some bizarro piece of political theater, to pretend that they are your own.

Any competent lawyer will tell them to shove if up their ass. (IN ANAL).

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