random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

come for the porn, stay for the DIY tips - Ronin.ca

the deep breathing was my pr0n running in the background... - absterjo

please don't ruin my post, Tamp - Final_Draft

useless without pictures - cb361

it sounds like something you want, but you don't - radioelectric

^ ^ v v <> <> B A - Polyphemus

PeTA vs Blackwater: No matter who loses, we win - paxInanis

when come back bring pr0n - moriati

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

man is the most extraordinary computer of all. And women are even cooler - Context

I'm from Chicago, and yeah, we're all pretty much gigantic hypocrites with big penises - horseinsheep

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