random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

the Internet Bra - fifthSpango

when nine hundred years old you reach, fap as good you will not - EPT

I think they're just pretending to be lesbians - jaxtraw

he who falls asleep with sex problem on mind, often wakes up with solution on hand - Chop-Logik

taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagliiiiiiiiine - ckfahrenheit

it's like they're staring into my very soul... And giving it an erection - Todomanna

a real real man would use a sensible erectant - EPT

you can't say things like that, sis. People will make pervy comments - shiney things

I like how you can see just a hint of asshole - crom

a reminder that female bodies ejaculate - Eru

when the turtles entered my life, they taught me to be self-aware - ComposerNate

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