random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I just got rickrolled by The Guardian - Stratafyre

please don't ruin my post, Tamp - Final_Draft

during his precious visitation time he was posting to SE again! - lilmookieesquire

that turned out bigger than I expected, but... meh. - EPT

the more you type, the righter you are - lilmookieesquire

condoms: like wrapping a plastic bag over the heads of a million infants! - sacrelicious

i wanna see your old hard drives - pmar13

poetry is what happens when words get together for a gay orgy - arrowhen

sometimes a cigar is just a penis - Nihil

teaching people how to type one handed since 2002 - Metatron5369

your kink is not my kink but your kink is okay - assbastard

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