random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

let crazy put its dick in you - cb361

if you're sock puppeting to save your reputation, you're not drunk enough - Dioxin

it's the fapture! - Robolt

surprise dick is my favourite - kitten

oh, once again my boyish enthusiasm got the better of me - feeling constipated

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

much like the push-up bra, we like to support boobies - Tirade

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

nerdy girls are a singularity for dicks. - Nihil

if we stop respecting 'dibs' then the world will dissolve into chaos - balzac

all these tagline suggestions are too damn long to fit anywhere - Saint_Marck

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