you gave your game away with the Troll Moderation - circulate
continuing my serial monogamy with digital images - badgerbaiter
terrorism I can sink my teeth into - Chop-Logik
If they're old enough to climb Mt. Everest, they're old enough to suck my clit. - snowfox
fapping all over the world -
Yes, I know all of these things. - donnie - KingPellinore
when come back bring pr0n - moriati
it's almost like having friends - cb361
I wouldn't want to masturbate to a porn star who wanted me to masturbate to them. - cb361
in a hurry to fap? Too bad, 'cause the audio is going to distract the hell out of you - aori
I love the smell of porno in the morning. Smells like... *fap* - spectre853