random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

comedic sociopathy is what I do for a hobby - rndmnmbr

The Res-erection - brat#3

obviously a strongly elongated penis is the solution - mjteegarden

where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight - lilmookieesquire

now you have an evolutionary excuse - monday

there's always time to pump - sacrelicious

I think I understand why matt wanted out - Jewbacchus

just because we aren't used to seeing it doesn't mean the universe isn't - Trench

your dongle is not unlike a cownipple - theolypse

stroking should generally move from the edges ... to the middle - drunk

in a hurry to fap? Too bad, 'cause the audio is going to distract the hell out of you - aori

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