random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

cause everyone has balls - maryyugo

Onanism at its finest. - forgotten

to activate the unit, one must tap the unit - HoZay

nothing says youthful rebellion like a 60 year old that has to be attached to machines in order to make any sounds - sacrelicious

a phallocracy of vaginophiles - kang

I wouldn't want to masturbate to a porn star who wanted me to masturbate to them. - cb361

I like face shooting, or punching if I'm Batman - papango

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

we discuss, debate and masturbate - willrogers

surprise dick is my favourite - kitten

condoms: like wrapping a plastic bag over the heads of a million infants! - sacrelicious

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