random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I'm from Chicago, and yeah, we're all pretty much gigantic hypocrites with big penises - horseinsheep

shakes fist 17% harder - ComposerNate

all these tagline suggestions are too damn long to fit anywhere - Saint_Marck

bleeding out my balls - Naruki

my modesty gourd is bigger than his modesty gourd - robotroadkill

the deep breathing was my pr0n running in the background... - absterjo

in a hurry to fap? Too bad, 'cause the audio is going to distract the hell out of you - aori

interesting, if partially nonsensical and disheartening? - mura

I'm pretty sure anyone here could figure out how to have sex with it - snowfox

head, shoulders heart and groin, HEART AND GROIN - symmetrian

please line up on the left to receive your complementary oversized dildo and Tamp Pride shirt - psychotim

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