random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

I'm pretty sure anyone here could figure out how to have sex with it - snowfox

that's a terrible pick-up line - cb361

The warm, hollowed-out ham of the Internet - mrcookieface

you can't say things like that, sis. People will make pervy comments - shiney things

I hereby suggest that a new verb for the act of cunnilingus be created - KingPellinore

it's not random, but it's not sensible either - FifthSpango

home of the pr0nnoisseur - donnie

I love the smell of porno in the morning. Smells like... *fap* - spectre853

dammit. they censored the 16- and 17-year old - f00m@nB@r

fake testicles were a free speech issue - hell yeah

golden Sharias for Justice! - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

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