random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

a wretched soul is he who does not live or lust under summer's rule - arrowhen

I romanced my girlfriend both ways. It made her cry into the pillow - banksr0

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

ensuring that you won't get a courtesy lube - sacrelicious

a hobo lapdance for your soul - mrcookieface

useless without pictures - cb361

I didn't learn anything, I'm not a better person, but I laughed and wasted a few minutes - Mopy J

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

you gave your game away with the Troll Moderation - circulate

he who falls asleep with sex problem on mind, often wakes up with solution on hand - Chop-Logik

real men don't need permission to fap - Supreme_Coconut

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