random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

shetland is teh hawt equine - leswilkerson

a hobo lapdance for your soul - mrcookieface

I understand and I wish to continue - lost

want to see cockphagia? - ckfahrenheit

society is the condom that protects us from being complete dicks to each other. It's pretty thin but it works 99% of the time - devilsad

a reminder that female bodies ejaculate - Eru

still illegal, even if they are lesbian polygamists - Amul Muzz

sometimes, people are born with ambitious genitalia - mky

another failed attempt at capitalizing on an Internet meme - damnit

Swiss cheese is almost begging for tentacle rape - headlessfriar

he who falls asleep with sex problem on mind, often wakes up with solution on hand - Chop-Logik

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