random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

we didn't invent fucked-up, we just made it better - ckfahrenheit

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

stupid and ill-conceived. Plus, no backhand. - sanepride

wood man approves highly - snowfox

ain't nuthin gay about liking a girl with a pretty cock - sacrelicious

it's not random, but it's not sensible either - FifthSpango

spare the mod, spoil the child - thikarai

teaching people how to type one handed since 2002 - Metatron5369

I don't think most of you are actually reading the article - ExLife

you could have someone foster your ovum - eIfish

I'm not sure I see the point to a sex bot who's only vulnerability is exposure to fluids - foobar

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