random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

because you can't spell subtext, without buttsex - beerboy

I just got rickrolled by The Guardian - Stratafyre

when nine hundred years old you reach, fap as good you will not - EPT

porn is expensive. Pr0n is free - Saint_Marck

smell that? That's desperation and shame - Shrike96

sex for the ego, porn for the id - Lord Hypnos

lend a hand - f00m@nB@r

we welcome anyone who is intelligent and difficult to offend - spite48

is there a grand council of fap, and if so, who cleans their offices? - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

if you're not jerking off to it anyway, get the hell out. - assbastard

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

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