Sunday, 29 January 2017

Trump, Putin agree to ‘mutually beneficial’ relations on first official phone call, says Kremlin | Toronto Star

quote [ Trump, Putin agree to ‘mutually beneficial’ relations on first official phone call, says Kremlin They will also maintain “regular personal contact” and will meet face-to-face soon. Trump was noncommittal about whether he was considering lifting the economic sanctions ahead of the call. ]

Well this looks like a care of "Dance my puppets dance!"
But of course I could be wrong. I mean Trump is just looking to the future of course...when his legally divested interests (of course) will bear fruit.

It's for the good of the country you know.

Now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has held his first conversation with America’s newly inaugurated leader, attention turns to the fate of U.S. sanctions against Moscow and whether the two will look to enhance military co-operation against the Islamic State group.
[SFW] [politics]
[by gendo666@4:29amGMT]


gendo666 said @ 4:35am GMT on 29th Jan [Score:2 Funsightful]
The best part was (of course) the end of the call:
"You hang up"
"No you hang up"
"No you hang up"
- and then they fell asleep listening to each other breathing

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