Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Mother Accused of Injecting Her Children With Heroin

quote [ A probable cause affidavit states the 6-year-old told CPS investigators; “his mom and dad give him and his sisters the 'feel good medicine,'" which “he described as a white powder which was mixed with water," and that his parents "used a needle to inject the 'feel good medicine' into him and his sisters." ]

Article in the extended.

Spanaway mother accused of injecting heroin into children, calling it ‘sleep juice'
by: Kevin McCarty Updated: Nov 1, 2016 - 9:46 AM

Court documents say Ashlee Hutt and Leroy McIver were found living with their three children in a home filled with rat droppings, drug needles and heroin.

Someone in the Spanaway home contacted state Child Protective Services after claiming they saw the 24-year-old Hutt inject her children -- ages 6, 4, and 2 -- with a dangerous drug.
“Some of the statements they [the children] made were very disturbing about how they would get sleeping juice to go to sleep and it was injected into them by needle,” said Pierce County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Detective Ed Troyer.

Child Protective Services began an investigation covering a period from May to November 2015 during which Hutt and McIver are suspected of giving heroin to all three of the children.

A probable cause affidavit states the 6-year-old told CPS investigators; “his mom and dad give him and his sisters the 'feel good medicine,'" which “he described as a white powder which was mixed with water," and that his parents "used a needle to inject the 'feel good medicine' into him and his sisters."
He stated that, after being injected, the three children would go to sleep, according to the affidavit.

Testing showed traces of low levels of what was believed to be heroin in two of the children, but in at least one case the level was below the threshold to confirm the drug was in the child’s body. One child tested negative.

Puncture marks and bruising consistent with needle injections were also found on the children's bodies.

Donald Tiedt lives near the Spanaway home where Hutt was arrested after failing to show up to face charges in September. He said sheriff's deputies come to the residence on a regular basis.

“Whoah, I didn’t know that was going on over there,” Tiedt said. “There’s just been so many reports. It’s hard to keep track of everything.”

Tiedt said he regularly sees children at the home.

Hutt and McIver’s children were taken away in November 2015 while CPS conducted its investigation.

“They’re in foster homes and they’re doing well,” said Troyer.

McIver, 25, was jailed in September after he was arrested on a bench warrant.

Both he and Hutt pleaded not guilty to three counts of second-degree child assault, delivery of a controlled substance to a person under 18 and child endangerment.

They remain in custody.
[SFW] [people] [+9 WTF]
[by Kat@9:58pmGMT]


arrowhen said @ 2:07am GMT on 2nd Nov [Score:1 Underrated]
Spanaway. Spanaway never changes.
papango said @ 3:40am GMT on 2nd Nov [Score:1 Insightful]
I say a lot to people I know with kids, that I'm not super interested. Like, don't put me at the top of the list of babysitters, or kindergarten open day volunteers. I get off the bus when it picks the primary school kids up and walk the last 20 minutes home rather than be subject to that at the end of the day. But, if it ever comes to this, or being that Mum who drowned her kids in a lake, you can drop your kids off with me and I'll figure it out. Just pop them into the rabbit's enclosure if I'm not home and you really need to get on the junk or gas yourself with a home made device and I'll take it from there.
SnappyNipples said @ 10:54pm GMT on 1st Nov
kylemcbitch said[1] @ 11:24pm GMT on 1st Nov
Kat said @ 12:42am GMT on 2nd Nov
Yeah, I saw that one as well. I decided to stay with the original article...as I could only take so much WTF in my day.

spleen23 said @ 2:38am GMT on 2nd Nov
First hit is free little jimmy.
Next time I'm going to need to you to clean your room first.
Kat said @ 5:43am GMT on 2nd Nov
I won't lie. I had a moment where I was stunned that they'd share something with their kids that 1.) costs money and 2.) means a lot to them. In no way am I condoning what they did...I just am having trouble following the addict logic.
Pandafaust said @ 6:29pm GMT on 2nd Nov
In my work I meet a lot of victims of child abuse or neglect - it is sadly really not that rare I'll meet someone who has been supplied their first hit by a parent, sometimes as a prepubescent child. Maybe 2-3 times a year I'll hear this. The frequency and organised fashion it was done in in this case is new to me though.
zarathustra said @ 4:25am GMT on 3rd Nov
Isn't that how Bayer originally marketed it?
profetscott said @ 5:10am GMT on 3rd Nov
Seems like one of the illnesses it was marketed for was collick. Think it was as a syrup with alcohol rather than an injectible product. Heroin syrup for cough was popular in France in 1920. Seems like I heard that either heroin or morphene was marketed as a patent medicne for alcoholism mail order in the USA.

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