Friday, 1 July 2016

How LED Daytime Running Lights And LCD Instruments Are Making You Less Safe

quote [ The night, I’m told, is dark and full of terrors. ]

How LED's can make cars less safe.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+1]
[by cdwilli1@11:08pmGMT]


ooo[......7 said @ 12:27am GMT on 2nd Jul
I dunno, it sounds a lot like fearmongering. I'm not sure that this problem is as big as the writer makes it out to be. I for one have never seen a car with just its LEDs on. Ever.
HP Lovekraftwerk said[1] @ 1:00am GMT on 2nd Jul
I don't get that only the DLR's come on if it's dark out. My wife's car is from 2006, and the primary headlights come on automatically if the light outside the vehicle is low enough (often dusk will do it). In fact, unless you turn the car off, the lights can't be deactivated until the sun or an equivalent source of light is introduced.

I believe the dash lights work on the same principle. However, some other parts of the dash only light up when you activate the headlight switch. I think the main dash lights get a little brighter, too. Wouldn't this solve the problem?

Did drivers get upset that they weren't being allowed to choose to have their lights off and car makers changed how they worked?
midden said @ 2:54am GMT on 2nd Jul
Well, night time surveillance/stalking is a bit harder when your damned lights automatically come on, especially in winter when you want to keep the engine running for heat. Not that I have any personal experience with that, of course.
Bruceski said @ 3:21am GMT on 2nd Jul
I keep mine on all the time. Take a look on a bright day when there are strips of hard shade across the road, or gray days where even if it's not raining everything shifts more towards a dull monotone, and it makes a HUGE difference in a car's visibility.
mechanical contrivance said @ 4:12am GMT on 2nd Jul
My car is from 2002 and it does the same thing with the lights.
Wulf said @ 2:36am GMT on 2nd Jul
More than once I've come upon a driver at night that had no tail lights on, and as I passed them I saw they were happily driving with their DRL guiding their way.
midden said @ 2:51am GMT on 2nd Jul
Yes, I see this all the time. Why don't they just put some yellow DRLs on the back end? It can be especially dangerous on crowded highways when someone not only doesn't have their full lights on, but they then decide to change lanes in front of you without signaling.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 5:47am GMT on 2nd Jul
Again, is that a "feature?" Other cars automatically turn on the headlights when the sun goes down, so is having these controls made to be manually operated something the elite want in their cars?
Gunslinger said @ 6:06am GMT on 2nd Jul
Is there a reason why headlights don't have an automatic setting for turning on when you're driving in poorly lit conditions? All this space-age technology in our cars, and my nephew's nightlight is more advanced.

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