Monday, 13 January 2025

Nope, Not Arabic

quote [ Nope, Not Arabic is an archive of things that are not Arabic. It documents instances of butchered Arabic script in public, from major motion pictures to billboards to video games and everything in between. ]

lol. Some of these seem like they'd be pretty important.
[SFW] [people] [+2]
[by steele@12:17pmGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 6:59pm GMT on 13th Jan [Score:1 Underrated]
I do wish the examples had a bit more explanation for non-Arabic speakers
Paracetamol said[1] @ 8:05pm GMT on 13th Jan
Same. From what I understand, while this complaint is often voiced about plainly wrong type (and I'm guilty of copy-pasting Arabic letters, too) the blog is concerned about typesetting as well: not breaking up the flow of letters with spacing and favouring readable typesets instead of perceived prettiness without actually being able to read it.
mechanical contrivance said @ 4:25pm GMT on 14th Jan
Yeah. For people who can't read Arabic, this is pretty useless without explanations.

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