Saturday, 21 January 2023

The $2 Per Hour Workers Who Made ChatGPT Safer

quote [ The story of the workers who made ChatGPT possible offers a glimpse into the conditions in this little-known part of the AI industry, which nevertheless plays an essential role in the effort to make AI systems safe for public consumption. ]

The toxic moderation jobs that have to be endured in these employments are probably way worse than bad wages.
[SFW] [business] [+3 Underrated]
[by Paracetamol@8:42pmGMT]


stv179 said @ 5:29am GMT on 22nd Jan
If only AI could train AI ..
mechanical contrivance said @ 2:32pm GMT on 22nd Jan [Score:1 Good]
We'll get there eventually, and these people will be out of work.

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