Thursday, 8 September 2022

Lies, Politics and Democracy

quote [ The Republican Party enabled Donald Trump, as he convinced his base that the election was stolen.
McConnell chooses silence.
[Pence] says to the President, “I can't do it.”
Liz had given a really compelling narrative about why we have to certify the election.
A great deal of American democracy relies on simple good faith.
If anything was revealed to us, it was just how fragile the system we have.
It was the lie that
sparked an insurrection, existentialist threat to American democracy, created by decisions made over years, partisan warfare, moral compromise, warnings - ignored. ]

Does anyone watch PBS?
Some would believe every word in this documentary, yet the very documentary techniques used on this program, broadcast falsehoods and are believed by others.
[SFW] [dystopian violence]
[by yunnaf@4:15pmGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 8:50pm GMT on 8th Sep [Score:2]
This is confusing. You post a link to a documentary, yet seem to cast vague aspersions on the documentary.

Can you be more specific? Are there parts that shouldn't be believe? Is it the style, instead, that is the problem? Who are the "some" and who are the "others"?
WeiYang said @ 6:05pm GMT on 8th Sep
So all the stuff about his being an authoritarian and not at all concerned with the niceties of governing according to the laws are a lie? Is that your point?
yunnaf said @ 7:34pm GMT on 8th Sep [Score:-1 Bad]
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mechavolt said @ 7:00pm GMT on 10th Sep
There's something poetic about someone complaining about sheep being unable to differentiate between truth and lies, while at the same time being unable to differentiate between advocacy and propaganda.
yunnaf said[1] @ 8:29pm GMT on 10th Sep
The program is "Lies, politics and democracy".
"It was the lie that sparked an insurrection, existentialist threat to American democracy, created by decisions made over years, partisan warfare, moral compromise, warnings - ignored."

There are sufficient Americans to incite an insurrection.
Call it an existential threat or a clear and present danger.
The indifference, of citizens who know better, towards those lacking comprehension of citizenship, ends badly.
mechavolt said @ 8:39pm GMT on 10th Sep
I'm just confused now. I hope you're doing okay, best wishes.
yunnaf said @ 8:57pm GMT on 10th Sep
What part of this confuses you?

The program is "Lies, politics and democracy".
"It was the lie that sparked an insurrection, existentialist threat to American democracy, created by decisions made over years, partisan warfare, moral compromise, warnings - ignored."
mechavolt said @ 3:42am GMT on 11th Sep
The part that confuses me is your erratic sentence structure and non sequiturs. So I hope you're doing okay. I really do not mean to be rude, but you're communicating like someone who is not taking their medication. I say this as someone who very much can relate to that.
yunnaf said[5] @ 10:18am GMT on 11th Sep
So much like Trump, not your fault that you can't read the original quote, which has nothing to do with me, blame me. You've missed what is important - there is a need to elect responsible politicians who don't lie, deal with substantive issues, are moral and act on existential threats. Throw in law abiding. It takes citizens to reject pandering and to stop Fox from telling destructive lies. PBS's efforts to explain how democracy works are so futile.
yunnaf said @ 12:44am GMT on 9th Sep [Score:-2 Bad]
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WeiYang said @ 1:37am GMT on 9th Sep
The problem with fox is not technique, the problem is that the information that they put out is false. If the information is accurate, what is the problem with using whatever technique they want? The documentary IS a persuasive form...they are never neutral and if that's what you are looking for, I think you will be disappointed.
yunnaf said @ 12:53pm GMT on 9th Sep
A great deal of American democracy relies on simple good faith.
If anything was revealed to us, it was just how fragile the system we have.
More watch Fox than PBS. Fox is telling lies to make Rupert Murdoch rich, The US military is trying to defend America but doesn't fight lies sponsored by this capilalist.
So many Americans can't distuinguish between truth and lies, when the lies are presented the same way as truths. Politics is now driven by vibes.
HoZay said @ 9:28pm GMT on 9th Sep
What does the military have to do with anything?
yunnaf said @ 1:51am GMT on 10th Sep

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