Monday, 4 February 2019

QuadrigaCX Owes Customers $190 Million, Court Filing Shows - CoinDesk

quote [ “Quadriga’s inventory of cryptocurrency has become unavailable and some of it may be lost," the founder's widow said in documents obtained by CoinDesk. ]

Dude with the only password for a cryptocurrency exchange dies, $190 million of users' money completely inaccessible.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+9 Funny]
[by mechavolt@2:06amGMT]


Bruceski said @ 3:08am GMT on 4th Feb [Score:1 Interesting]
What happens when a single point of failure fails?
blackpsypher said @ 5:42am GMT on 5th Feb
Hilarity ensues... for anyone not directly involved.
rhesusmonkey said @ 4:50am GMT on 4th Feb
If his spouse was also his "business partner" then they should not have single POF. She should know his password, or they should have a "password file" that they both know the password to.
backSLIDER said @ 7:09am GMT on 4th Feb
This sucks and is hilarious at the same time.
cb361 said @ 8:06am GMT on 4th Feb [Score:2]
Like getting a blow job from Steve Martin.
blackpsypher said @ 5:44am GMT on 5th Feb
Please let it be one, two, three, four, five.

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