Monday, 15 August 2016

How political idealism leads us astray

quote [ Do you want to stop Donald Trump from rounding up Mexicans into camps? Try this: Encourage your idealistic, third-party-voting progressive and libertarian friends to drop their fantasies of an ideal, radically revised political and economic order and fight instead to protect what we’ve got. It’s the prudent thing to do, and it’s the principled move.

In a profound and persuasive new book, The Tyranny of the Ideal: Justice in a Diverse Society, the political philosopher Gerald Gaus shows that visions of political perfection are bound to lead us astray. ]

Seems a surprisingly compelling argument to me, but I'd love to hear your opinions
[SFW] [politics] [+3 Interesting]
[by pleaides]
<-- Entry / Comment History

kylemcbitch said @ 5:29pm GMT on 15th August
Beat me to it:

Next time, instead of asking me this question read what I had to say where I already fucking address the point, kthnxbai.

kylemcbitch said @ 5:31pm GMT on 15th August
Beat me to it:

Next time, instead of asking me this question read what I had to say where I already fucking address the point, kthnxbai.

I will never downmod and not explain myself, unless it's obvious (like with numbers trolling.)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
kylemcbitch said @ 5:29pm GMT on 15th August [Score:1 Underrated]
Beat me to it:

Next time, instead of asking me this question read what I had to say where I already fucking address the point, kthnxbai.

I will never downmod and not explain myself, unless it's obvious (like with numbers trolling.)

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