Saturday, 18 February 2023

Robot Snowplow Eats Up Snow, Poops Out Bricks

quote [ Some parts of northern Japan can receive a surprising amount of snow in wintertime, enough to block roads and isolate people living in mountain villages. Elderly people in particular are at risk in these areas, both from being shut-in and from trying to shovel all the snow. That's where "Yuki-taro, the friendly snowbot", comes in! ]

This is pretty neat. Maybe it could be trained to build igloos too
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4 Original]
[by rylex]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Jack Blue said @ 7:21pm GMT on 19th February
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms.

Jack Blue said @ 7:24pm GMT on 19th February
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms.

We had a slope at the back of our yard where we dumped snow. Every winter we gad a cavern under it, and a sled slope going over it. And every year my dad was furious when it started to melt and he fell into the cavern as the roof collapsed. Good times.

Jack Blue said @ 7:24pm GMT on 19th February
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms.

We had a slope at the back of our yard where we dumped snow. Every winter we made a cavern under it, and a sled slope going over it. And every year my dad was furious when it started to melt and he fell into the cavern as the roof collapsed. Good times.

Jack Blue said @ 7:28pm GMT on 19th February
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms. I know our school started telling the municipality to stop dumping snow over them when they got to intricate. They probably was afraid a kid would be buried. We were always told we should always keep one lookout on top to spot the tractor coming, but we never heeded that warning.
We had a slope at the back of our yard where we dumped snow. Every winter us siblings made a cavern under it, and a sled slope going over it. And every year my dad was furious when it started to melt and he fell into the cavern as the roof collapsed.

Good times.

Jack Blue said @ 8:20pm GMT on 19th February
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms. I know our school started telling the municipality to stop dumping snow over them when they got to intricate. They probably was afraid a kid would be buried. We were always told we should always keep one lookout on top to spot the tractor coming, but we never heeded that warning.
We had a slope at the back of our yard where we dumped snow. Us siblings made a cavern under it, and a sled slope going over it. And our dad was furious when it started to melt and he fell into the cavern as the roof collapsed.

Good times.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Jack Blue said @ 7:21pm GMT on 19th February [Score:2 Underrated]
And there is one branch hidden under the snow and it all goes to shit.

Are bricks preferable to just a pile? When I was a kid we used to dig out the snowplow piles and build networks of tunnels and rooms. I know our school started telling the municipality to stop dumping snow over them when they got to intricate. They probably was afraid a kid would be buried. We were always told we should always keep one lookout on top to spot the tractor coming, but we never heeded that warning.
We had a slope at the back of our yard where we dumped snow. Us siblings made a cavern under it, and a sled slope going over it. And our dad was furious when it started to melt and he fell into the cavern as the roof collapsed.

Good times.

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