Saturday, 4 February 2023

The Quest for a Dumber Phone

quote [ The desire to unplug has made way for an entire market, selling focus and technological detachment. R/dumbphone and the rise of low-tech phones are part of a wider phenomenon that includes the use of site blockers, lock boxes for your phone, and other online movements like no surf. ]

This focuses very much on the zen/minimalism/addiction aspect and less on (enviromental) costs or the fact that some tasks might be better suited for a PC – like being at work.

It links to Dumphonefinder – pretty helpful.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4]
[by Paracetamol]
<-- Entry / Comment History

R1Xhard said @ 3:17am GMT on 5th February
Just buy anything with a carburetor.

Finding a mechanic who knows how to service it o the other hand.

R1Xhard said @ 3:19am GMT on 5th February
Just buy anything with a carburetor.

As an added bonus they usually come with a forearm work out device, or what used to to known as a Window winder.

Finding a mechanic who knows how to service it o the other hand.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
R1Xhard said @ 3:17am GMT on 5th February
Just buy anything with a carburetor.

As an added bonus they usually come with a forearm work out device, or what used to to known as a Window winder.

Finding a mechanic who knows how to service it o the other hand.

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