Monday, 6 September 2021

Moiré no more

quote [ I didn’t understand it then, and I barely understand it now, which added to the sense that this is some sort of witchcraft that should not be possible. But it isn’t that – this is pure, old-fashioned math and science ]

You learn some anti-moiré tricks in your life's time, but for printing and scanning people this looks like the Blade Runner zoom come alive.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4]
[by Paracetamol]
<-- Entry / Comment History

rndmnmbr said @ 5:01am GMT on 8th September
Well, it is a little exciting, honestly, at least to us newspaper guys, because it does give us something usable from essentially nothing. And it's something you genuinely could successfully apply machine learning to, and do so on your home desktop, to get result you genuinely thought were magical.

rndmnmbr said @ 5:04am GMT on 8th September
Well, it is a little exciting, honestly, at least to us newspaper guys, because it does give us something usable from essentially nothing. And it's something you genuinely could successfully apply machine learning to, and do so on your home desktop, to get result you genuinely thought were magical. (You just have to take the grain of salt with it - it's still not the original, just a very close simulacrum.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
rndmnmbr said @ 5:01am GMT on 8th September
Well, it is a little exciting, honestly, at least to us newspaper guys, because it does give us something usable from essentially nothing. And it's something you genuinely could successfully apply machine learning to, and do so on your home desktop, to get result you genuinely thought were magical. (You just have to take the grain of salt with it - it's still not the original, just a very close simulacrum.

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