Thursday, 28 November 2019

This Is How Elon Musk Can Fix The Damage His Starlink Satellites Are Causing To Astronomy

quote [ Observations have been ruined; scientific satellites with the right-of-way have had to alter course. Here's a how-to guide to doing better. ]

And view the new Astronomy.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+1 Interesting]
[by ScoobySnacks]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 7:55pm GMT on 28th November
Because while many nerds like the idea of science, their actual understanding is superficial and what they really like are shiny techno-toys.

Please understand that I totally include myself in this group.

cb361 said @ 10:17pm GMT on 28th November
Because while many nerds like the idea of science, to the extent of wearing Girl Genius t-shirts at least, their actual understanding is superficial and they don’t have much interest in learning. What they really like are shiny techno-toys.

Please understand that I totally include myself in this group. I’m not dumb, but proper science, when you or other people discuss it on SE, seems much too hard work. Far easier to just set myself against climate deniers and flat earthers.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 7:55pm GMT on 28th November [Score:2 Insightful]
Because while many nerds like the idea of science, to the extent of wearing Girl Genius t-shirts at least, their actual understanding is superficial and they don’t have much interest in learning. What they really like are shiny techno-toys.

Please understand that I totally include myself in this group. I’m not dumb, but proper science, when you or other people discuss it on SE, seems much too hard work. Far easier to just set myself against climate deniers and flat earthers.

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