Friday, 8 September 2017

How is this even possible? New AI can work out whether you're gay or straight from a photograph

quote [ The data also identified certain trends, including that gay men had narrower jaws, longer noses and larger foreheads than straight men, and that gay women had larger jaws and smaller foreheads compared to straight women. ]

The grooming and slightly feminine/masculine appearance is understandable, that's my "gaydar" works so much as it does and it doesn't most of the time - but forehead size!?!? So phrenology is actually a real thing?
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4 Interesting]
[by Kama-Kiri]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 7:04am GMT on 8th September
It probably can't detect if The Devil Made You Do It.

I'm not Gay! I just not strong enough yet to resist the Devil's temptations!

So why does the Devil always tempt you with cock?

cb361 said @ 7:04am GMT on 8th September
It probably can't detect if The Devil Made You Do It.

I'm not Gay! I just not strong enough yet to resist the Devil's temptations!

So why does the Devil always tempt you with cock?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 7:04am GMT on 8th September [Score:1 Insightful]
It probably can't detect if The Devil Made You Do It.

I'm not Gay! I just not strong enough yet to resist the Devil's temptations!

So why does the Devil always tempt you with cock?

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