random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

swinging the ancestral cock - Hazel

I am sticking with cock - papango

nerdy girls are a singularity for dicks. - Nihil

fear breasts, as the moth fears the candle - theolypse

we're all boob girls here, trust me - spazm

bitches don't know about my particular set of skills - danshyu

still illegal, even if they are lesbian polygamists - Amul Muzz

because the only thing more awesome than having a team of ninjas and a harem is having it be the same team - Jewbacchus

I hereby suggest that a new verb for the act of cunnilingus be created - KingPellinore

to activate the unit, one must tap the unit - HoZay

wood man approves highly - snowfox

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