random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

The Res-erection - brat#3

blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth. - tamp

where you can be a vagitarian - vahid

a free-style poem with no consistent meter or rhyme scheme - snowfox

did I call someone a douchethinker? - ring riot

my night action is as follows: I lament the wasted day while masturbating and eating cake. Then I cower in a corner - spite48

it's the fapture! - Robolt

please line up on the left to receive your complementary oversized dildo and Tamp Pride shirt - psychotim

it's worse because the coke is in his seminal fluid. - Krutz

the Internet Bra - fifthSpango

we discuss, debate and masturbate - willrogers

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